
West Bengal Academy of Science and Technology



Eligibility of the Nominee as per the Rule 2.3:

Any person, who is an Indian Citizen or a foreign citizen holding OCI/PIO cards, and who has worked for 10 years or more in aggregate in one or more institutions in the state of West Bengal, is eligible for Fellowship of the Academy.

Who can Nominate as per the Rule 3.2.2:

A candidate should be nominated, on personal knowledge, for Fellowship by a Fellow of the Academy from the same section in which the nomination is made and seconded by one other Fellow of the Academy irrespective of the section.

Fellow Nomination Guideline 2024:

  1. Self-nomination is not permitted.
  2. Only soft copies of the nomination will be accepted. Those should be prepared as per the guidelines given hereunder.
  3. The nomination package should contain the following documents:
    • a) Nomination Form (word file can be downloaded using the download button below) is to be filled in in English and duly signed by the nominator and the seconder.
    • Download Nomination Form for Nominee from Academia and R&D Download Nomination Form for Nominee from for Industry

    • b) Reprints of ten most significant refereed publications as listed in the nomination form under item 7(e) for nominees from Academia and R&D and under item 9(e) for nominees from Industry (these need not be the top cited publications).
    • c)Documentary proof of the entries under item 9 for nominees from Academia and R&D and under item 8 for nominees from Industry.
    • d)Nominee’s Curriculum Vitae bearing all the information as instructed on the nomination form and a complete list of publications.
    • e)Nominee’s passport size (45mmx35mm) colour photo in JPG format of size not more than 50 kB.

Documents (a)-(d) are to be merged to a single PDF bearing a file name "Fellow 2024 Sec Number initials of nominee’s name". For example, if Sivaji Chakravorti is nominated for the fellowship under section IV and his year of birth is 1962, then the file should be named as "Fellow 2024 Sec IV SC 1962.pdf”. The JPG file of item (e) above should be identically named as "Fellow 2024 Sec IV SC 1962.jpg”.

  • The nominator will have to submit the above-mentioned merged PDF file and the JPG file as attachment in the same email to wastfellownom@gmail.com
  • Last Date of Submitting Nomination: 31st July 2024, 11:59pm